Deer Creek

Dominium in tandem with Rural Neighborhoods and Neighborhood Housing and Development Corporation successfully closed on Deer Creek Senior Housing. Dominium, through its pro-bono efforts, provided development services to these non-profit co-developers to further the joint mission of providing high-quality, safe affordable housing.
Located on NW 55th Blvd in Gainesville, Florida, Deer Creek Senior Housing will be a shining example of the continuation of that mission. Once constructed, the $16 million dollar project will provide 62 units of affordable senior housing to the local community. Of those units, seven (7) will serve income-qualifying households earning 33% or less of the area median income.
The debt financing includes a construction and permanent loan origination from Community Housing Capital, a CDFI nonprofit lender. The equity investment of the federal low-income housing tax credits were purchased by JP Morgan Chase through Alliant Capital. We would like to direct a special thanks to Florida Housing Finance Corporation for the allocation of the 9% competitive tax credits.
Our development partners include the City of Gainesville, Nelson Mullins, Verdex Construction, Hoffman-Facundo Architects, Fetner Engineering, among many others. We would like to extend our greatest appreciation to their efforts and assistance on this project.