Dominium Volunteers

Our employees and residents are instrumental to the success of our organization. That is why, through the Dominium Volunteer Program, we empower employees to engage in volunteerism for causes important to them in their local communities.

We are committed to volunteerism across all levels of our organization, from top to bottom. Every year, Dominium employees volunteer thousands of hours and each one of those hours is matched with a financial contribution to multiply the positive impact our employees make in the communities they serve. We are proud to match company resources with employee passion and encourage and reward community service.

Our Other Programs


Through Dominium and the Dominium Foundation we donate more than $1 million a year to community organizations that build stronger families and neighborhoods.


Through the Dominium Pro Bono Program, we provide free development services to non-profit organizations that are addressing critical housing challenges. Through this program, 10% of our development efforts are provided free of charge.


Our employees take care of their communities and we take care of our employees. We created the Dominium Employee Emergency Fund to assist employees in times of dire need.