Dominium Builds
Dominium Builds, part of our Dominium Gives philanthropic program, offers pro-bono development services to nonprofit organizations addressing critical housing challenges. We use our 50-plus years of development experience to help communities across the U.S. add permanent supportive housing to those who need it most.
We have closed on more than 500 units representing $200 million in development costs, with $300 million more in the pipeline. We’re proud of that the program has grown to the point where it now represents 10 percent of our total development activity.
We donate time and expertise to community-led projects that reach the most vulnerable populations in need of housing services. We partner with other community leaders to realize our shared vision for quality housing for all. Dominium builds projects that make a difference in the communities where we live and work.
Recently, we supported the Dorothy Day Place, a homeless shelter redevelopment project in St. Paul, Minnesota. We worked for 24 months, with a total of 4,300 development hours, as the pro bono developer for Catholic Charities. Through this transformative work, we helped create 177 units of permanent supportive housing for the long-term homeless and those with physical and mental disabilities.
We are excited to continue donating our time and expertise to valuable community projects through this Pro Bono program.
Our Other Programs

The Dominium Volunteer Program matches company resources with employee passion. Each year, Dominium employees volunteer thousands of hours to important causes in their local communities.