Dominium Assists
Dominium employees and the service they provide to residents are the fundamental reason for Dominium's success. Serving and operating in locations nationwide, our employees live through the natural disasters that dominate headlines. Through the employee-supported Dominium Employee Emergency Fund, we assist our employees financially in recovering from fires, floods, hurricanes and other uncontrollable life-altering events. We encourage all to donate to support each other in times of need.
Just like they take care of their communities, we take care of them. It is crucial for our employees to know we will always stand shoulder to shoulder with them when the worst happens. The Dominium Employee Emergency Fund brings to life our ongoing commitment to our employees, helping many families since its inception.
Our Other Programs

The Dominium Volunteer Program matches company resources with employee passion. Each year, Dominium employees volunteer thousands of hours to important causes in their local communities.