Abandoned Historic Buildings to Historic Housing
Restoring and bringing historic buildings back to life can transform an entire neighborhood, even an entire community. A wide-range of financial resources – including federal and state historic tax credits, low income housing tax credits, and a financing program – must be utilized when converting a historic building into a state-of-the-art affordable housing community.

Visionary Design and Execution
To redevelop an abandoned but historically significant building that may have been unused or neglected for decades, requires a visionary team of architects, builders and contractors. We assemble, integrate, and unleash the talents of professionals unmatched in their areas of expertise.
Engaging Local Communities
Local community leaders, neighborhood associations and other stakeholders are brought into the process at the very beginning. Without their upfront support and commitment, historic redevelopment cannot be accomplished.

Get in Touch
For more information, or to ask a question, contact Dominium’s historic redevelopment experts.